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Salerno Secondary

Leaving Cert Belfast Trip

On the 24th October, Leaving Certs and teachers set off on an amazing two night trip to the great city of Belfast in Northern Ireland. 

A jam packed trip was organised by Ms Howley and Miss Dunleavy. It include many activities including

  • Titanic Museum
  • Crumlin Road Gaol
  • The Gobbins Cliff path walk
  • Ice-skating and Bowing

and of course some retail therapy. Students appreciated learning about culture, history and the array of beautiful geographical landscapes.

Above all, students enjoyed bonding with each other and their teachers as they embark on potentially one of the most important academic years of their lives.

Students commented on how much fun they had and appreciated all the different learning opportunities they were exposed to. 

Thank you to Ms Howley and Miss Dunleavy for organising the trip and to all those who accompanied.