Anti Bullying Advice
Salerno Secondary School Antibullying Policy
Appendix 3: Advice for students on bullying
Cyber-bullying is not an issue with technology; it’s a behavioural issue.
Bearing in mind the serious nature of cyber-bullying, it is important that all students engage in responsible behaviour when online. You should constantly question the impact that your ‘netiquette’ (online behaviour) has on others. You should also be aware of how to protect yourself from cyber- bullies. The following advice is offered:
- Save messages and/or take a screenshot of an abusive message on your phone or computer.
- Keep passwords private.
- Choose online friends carefully.
- Monitor the amount of personal information you post about yourself online.
- Do not reply to abusive messages/ posts. Replying can lead to an escalation in cyber-bullying and lets the bully know that he/she is getting to you.
- If the bully is a ‘friend’ on Facebook; remove them.
Report the issue to the mobile phone or website-company (if it is through call/ text). For detailed information on how to report violations
For Facebook see:
For Twitter see:
For Snapchat see:
For Instagram see:
- If the cyber-bullying is impacting on your school- life or relationships within school, it is very important that you tell a teacher.
- For more advice and tips, see the following websites:
- and
- Also refer to the following international websites: and
Tips for “regular” bullying:
- If you are being bullied or you have witnessed bullying behaviour, you must tell a teacher.
Most cases of bullying stop when the teacher is involved. Telling a teacher is responsible behaviour: it is NOT “telling tales/ grassing”.
- If you are being bullied, try to display confident body language and assertively tell the bully to stop.
- It is a good idea to keep a written record/ diary of the bullying behaviour. Record details such as who, when, where, how often, what was said and if there were any witnesses. Produce this evidence to your teacher/ class teacher which may assist him/ her when investigating a bullying case.